61: doodle

doodle 2i haven’t had this much fun doodling…gotta doodle more. free your mind. be the leaf


57: some clothes


i need more colorsssssssssss

from lookbook. i cant seem to find stuff that i like in there. :v

55: colourssss

Screen Shot 2013-03-22 at 8.08.21 PM

tired of drawing lines and monochromes??  GAH I looove coloursfullsrainbows… *_______*


43: Pilow



Sadly, there isn’t enough time to do this short animation about Pilow and my sister’s really great character. Only three days left before uni begins. I might post Pilow’s storyboard later…probably do an animatic later(kyaaaa!) Have a good friday 🙂

38: feline fun

felines feb 21

Most fun and elegant animal to skeeeeetch!! Try it while drawing from elbows white keeping your hand/wrist still.


35: Shogo-kun

i  regret nothing!

i regret nothing!

28: Zim

invader  zim

Hurry up and download faster!!!


27: More Four-eyes vs Zen


Did I mention how much I like these characters from Chocolate? His jumper reminds me of Gokusen, even his eye glasses and his awesome martial art skills. I love his and gokusen’s jumper.

26: Zen vs Four-eyes


From the thai movie chocolate. I love the character of the guy and his weird fighting style, sadly he only had a few minutes of air time before Zen knocked his head.

22: Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl is a very dangerous enemy of the humans and the faeries. And he’s only 12 years old….Welp my drawing looks 4 years older hahaha! Written by Eoin Colfer.

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