69: it may have been

Hi guys! I’ve just finished my first wordpress cmi website and I thought I’d share some of the sketches and doodles that I made before I started designing the mock-up and coding it in html and css. ๐Ÿ˜€


You can see how the sketches were applied in the development of the mock-up.

It would be great if you can drop byย itmayhavebeenshopย and leave some comments and suggestion about the design and /or on how I can imporve it better, especially with my jquery gallery and navigation ๐Ÿ™‚

61: doodle

doodle 2i haven’t had this much fun doodling…gotta doodle more. free your mind. be the leaf


59: fish swamp

Screen Shot 2013-03-30 at 11.26.13 PM

yay, fish swamp! i’ve always wanted to try a creature concept. And i’m quite enjoying this.

YAYAYAY. Happy easter!


56: body bending

Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 8.02.48 PM

how i wish i can draw interesting clothes on my figure drawings. How do you draw cool costumes??? Anyone? Tnx.

Have a good day ๐Ÿ˜€


54: Moar figure

fig fig-1

Yay for ballerinas!


42: Immigration Nation


So I was cleaning my dusty table covered in all sorts of papers, cobwebs, stuff and I found some old sketchbooks and drawings… This sketch is part of a dossier for a unit called Senses of Place when I was a first year. I drew it in response to thisย documentary of SBS about the history of immigration in australia and about the white australian policy. Really interesting, controversial and eye opener. Explains why I still meet racist people in trains, bus, public places, anywere.

41: Neneng – OC


One of my old character, Neneng. Gawd i miss her. Currently working more on this sketch cause i love it….Neneng’s so adorable Gosh…. >_<

39: Selfless portrait

randomspeedy sketch for selflessportraits, try checking it out. fuunn

37: environment studies

environtment studies

So I was reading and studying lots of tutorial about environment design and finally got myself to try it. FUN FUN!!

Check them out, they’re really good tutorials! >>>ย Foervraengd.


36: Saki



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