77: may 24



76: jon,alexis and ella

Curtin’s illustration club first sketch meet. HOORAYY~ ella jon and alexis

76: Perla May

perla may


75: ruby

Some drawings from last week’s Dr Sketchy. I want to upload more stuff sooon yay
ruby 2 ruby 3 ruby 1

74: guys

guysI’m so proud of myself…took me so many years to be able to draw abs. SOB SOB. SOB. Finallyyyyyyyyy


73: ria + aka

Screen Shot 2013-05-04 at 10.37.14 AM


old characters. how nostalgic. happy free comics day. i’ll just cry here in one corner cause i cant go. 😥

72: long haired guy

uhmi like jet li’s hair from the movie the mummy: the dragon emperor


71: I say fish


i miss perla

70: elias + wings


enjoying the wings but the lightings OFF WAY OFF. the other wing also looks thinner. gah….GAHHH…gotta fix this. what do you guys think??

69: it may have been

Hi guys! I’ve just finished my first wordpress cmi website and I thought I’d share some of the sketches and doodles that I made before I started designing the mock-up and coding it in html and css. 😀


You can see how the sketches were applied in the development of the mock-up.

It would be great if you can drop by itmayhavebeenshop and leave some comments and suggestion about the design and /or on how I can imporve it better, especially with my jquery gallery and navigation 🙂

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