73: ria + aka

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old characters. how nostalgic. happy free comics day. i’ll just cry here in one corner cause i cant go. 😥

72: long haired guy

uhmi like jet li’s hair from the movie the mummy: the dragon emperor


71: I say fish


i miss perla

70: elias + wings


enjoying the wings but the lightings OFF WAY OFF. the other wing also looks thinner. gah….GAHHH…gotta fix this. what do you guys think??

69: it may have been

Hi guys! I’ve just finished my first wordpress cmi website and I thought I’d share some of the sketches and doodles that I made before I started designing the mock-up and coding it in html and css. 😀


You can see how the sketches were applied in the development of the mock-up.

It would be great if you can drop by itmayhavebeenshop and leave some comments and suggestion about the design and /or on how I can imporve it better, especially with my jquery gallery and navigation 🙂

68: sam + suzzie

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I’m back to posting again! yey! This drawing is for a school project. I’d be really gald if you check out all the finished drawing here in my deviantart. Have a good friday 😀


67:elias wip

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progress is slow but i’m learning a lot from this new technique…. yey!

i’ve been designing heaps of branding and graphic stufff so maybe i’ll post about them here for you guys. But not entirely sure since this is supposed to be a doodle blog. IDK!


63: cloud atlas


YAY cloud atlas studies, for uni project, little white lies cover brief. yadayadyayada. FUNFUNFUNFUN


62: silhouette

silhouettesi dont even know what i’m doing but it’s fun!


61: doodle

doodle 2i haven’t had this much fun doodling…gotta doodle more. free your mind. be the leaf


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